Konia Village 3 Owners Group
This report is "Private" and only Konia Village 3 owners have access.

Document Title:       JBCM Management Report AGM 2020
Document Date:       21/10/2020
Document Author:   Spencer Pugh
Email Address:   info@k3og.com
Website:              www.k3og.com
Management:      JBCM Property Management
JBCM - Konia 3 Property Managers
In order to allow Mr. Pugh and Mr. Butcher to enjoy their retirement we propose to hand over the whole of the day-to-day management of the Konia Village 3 Complex to our existing property managers JBCM, subject to the following terms and conditions.

            JBCM to be responsible for handling all communications with Owners and their Agents. This shall include all Notices, Letters, emails and telephone calls. Tenants should address their issues to owners or their agents.

JBCM to be responsible for paying all recurring costs covering electricity supply, water supply, communal insurance and website charges.

JBCM to be responsible for paying the monthly costs of maintaining the communal swimming pool and the cleaning of the swimming pool changing facilities on condition that there shall be sufficient funds in the K3OG account to maintain communal services for a minimum period of 3 months from the due date for payment. (If funds are not available the pool will be closed)

Subject to the prior approval of the Committee, JBCM shall be responsible for obtaining a minimum of 3 quotations for any required maintenance works and shall only proceed with such works after obtaining the approval of the Committee to the necessary expenditure.
JBCM to be responsible for collecting all communal fees from owners including the issuing of invoices, receipts and regular default reminders to all owners. Where an owner is more than 12 months in arrears on their communal charges payments they shall be subject to an annual surcharge of 10% of the value of their arrears due on the 31 December of each year. Owners who are more than 24 months in arrears will be automatically subject to legal action for the recovery of the full amount due together with interest and all legal costs.

Subject to the prior approval of the Committee JBCM shall obtain such legal advice as is essential to manage the KV3 complex in accordance with the law.

JBCM shall cooperate with the Committee to reduce the cost of the communal insurance premiums by reducing the insurance cover to   the minimum required by Law.